Remote IO over Ethernet

Slices of remote IO over Modbus TCP for stand alone applications

Unitronics’ line of ethernet remote I/O greatly expands the reach of your control system whether using Unitronics PLCs or other systems. This line comprises an Ethernet-based Remote I/O adapter and a broad range of Remote I/O modules, each offering a different configuration of analogue, digital, temperature & weight I/O that works on Vision, UniStream and any system that supports Modbus TCP.


Key Features

• Operating temperature range -40°C to 70°C
• Slim modules-12mm only
• Supporting analogue modules with 16bit resolution

A single Ethernet Remote I/O adapter can support up to 63 12mm-wide I/O modules. Each adapter comprises two Ethernet ports; this enables users to link an adapter to a controller, and then daisy-chain adapters to support up to 8 adapters per controller, enabling the system to increase the total number of I/O supported by a single controller.

I/O configuration in UniLogic is as quick as using native Uni-IO modules; users simply drag & drop the selected module to add it to the hardware configuration in UniLogic, the All-in-One programming environment.

Ethernet Remote I/O is a powerful addition to any system and seamlessly integrates with  the UniStream & Vision series

Unitronics standard policy of customer care—no hidden costs or tiers. All software, utilities, and support—including membership in Unitronics’ Community Forum—are provided at no additional charge


Remote IO Manual Description Install/Tech Manual
URX-XXXXX Manual for all remote IO modules (URB / URD / URA / URS / URP) PDF Link
URB-PNT Manual and GSD File for a URB-PNT Profinet adaptor PDF Link
Remote IO Demo Applications a zip file with demo applications on Remote IO for VisiLogic and UniLogic PDF Link


Type Part Number Description


URB-TCP UniStream Remote IO Eth. Adapter, 63 Modules, 8 Per System
URB-TCP2 UniStream Remote IO Adapter, 6 Modules, 6 Per System
URB-EC1 UniStream EtherCAT Remote IO adapter, 16 Modules, 8 Per System
URB-CAN UniStream Remote IO CANopen Adapter
URB-SER UniStream Remote IO Modbus RTU coupler
URB-PNT UniStream Remote IO Profinet Adapter
ADP-BBOARD40 IDC 40 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URD-3200-4 URD-0032CG-4 URD-0032NG-4
ADP-BBOARD20 IDC 20 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URS-08RT-2 URS-08TC-2

Digital Inputs

Type Part Number Description


Digital Analogue
URD-0800 8 Digital inputs (sink or source), 10RTB 8
URD-1600-8 16 Digital inputs (sink or source), 18RTB 16
URD-3200-4 32 Digital inputs (sink or source), 40Pin 32
URD-0400B 4 Digital inputs, 120VAC, 10RTB 4
URD-0400C 4 Digital inputs, 240VAC, 10RTB 4
URD-0200E 2, 24VDC, High Speed / Encoder Inputs, 10RTD 2
URD-0200D 2, 5VDC, High Speed / Encoder Inputs, 10RTD 2
ADP-BBOARD40 IDC 40 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URD-3200-4 URD-0032CG-4 URD-0032NG-4
ADP-BBOARD20 IDC 20 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URS-08RT-2 URS-08TC-2

Digital Outputs

Type Part Number Description


Transistor Relay Analogue
URD-0004RH 4 Relay Outputs, 10RTB 4
URD-0004SK 4 Solid State Relay Outputs, 240V, 10RTB 4
URD-0004SM 4 Solid State Relay Outputs, 110V, 10RTB 4
URD-0004SN 4 Solid State Relay Outputs, 24V, 10RTB 4
URD-0008NH 8 Digital Outputs (Sink), 10RTB 8
URD-0008NI 8 Digital Outputs (Sink), 10RTB 8
URD-0016NG-8 16 Digital Outputs (Sink), 18RTB 16
URD-0032NG-4 32 Digital Outputs (Sink), 40Pin 32
URD-0008CH 8 Digital Outputs (Source), 10RTB 8
URD-0008CI 8 Digital Outputs (Source), 10RTB 8
URD-0016CG-8 16 Digital Outputs (Source), 18RTB 16
URD-0032CG-4 32 Digital Outputs (Source), 40Pin 32
URD-02PU 2 Pulse Outputs, 10RTB 2
URD-02PW 2 PWM Outputs, 10RTB 2
URD-04PW 4 PWM Outputs, 10RTB 4
ADP-BBOARD40 IDC 40 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URD-3200-4 URD-0032CG-4 URD-0032NG-4
ADP-BBOARD20 IDC 20 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URS-08RT-2 URS-08TC-2

Analogue Inputs

Type Part Number Description


Digital Analogue
URA-0400O 4 Analogue Current Inputs 12bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0800O 8 Analogue Current Inputs 12bit, 10RTB 8
URA-1600O-8 16 Analogue Current Inputs 12bit, 18RTB 16
URA-0400P 4 Analogue Voltage Inputs 12bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0800P 8 Analogue Voltage Inputs 12bit, 10RTB 8
URA-1600P-8 16 Analogue Voltage Inputs 12bit, 18RTB 16
URA-0400T 4 Analogue Current Inputs 16bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0800T 8 Analogue Current Inputs 16bit, 10RTB 8
URA-1600T-8 16 Analogue Current Inputs 16bit, 18RTB 16
URA-0400U 4 Analogue Voltage Inputs 16bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0800U 8 Analogue Voltage Inputs 16bit, 10RTB 8
URA-1600U-8 16 Analogue Voltage Inputs 16bit, 18RTB 16
URS-04RT 4 RTD / Resistance Input, 10RTB 4
URS-08RT-2 8 RTD / Resistance Input, 20Pin 8
URS-04TC 4 Thermocouple / mV Input, 10RTB 4
URS-08TC-2 8 Thermocouple / mV Input, 20Pin 8
URS-02LC-8 2 Load Cells Input, 18RTB 2
ADP-BBOARD40 IDC 40 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URD-3200-4 URD-0032CG-4 URD-0032NG-4
ADP-BBOARD20 IDC 20 Breakout Board + 1m cable Compatible with URS-08RT-2 URS-08TC-2

Analogue Outputs

Type Part Number Description


Transistor Relay Analogue
URA-0004J 4 Analogue Current Outputs 12bit, (-10)-10V 4
URA-0004K 4 Analogue Current Outputs 16bit, (-10)-10V 4
URA-0004W 4 Analogue Current Outputs 12bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0008W 8 Analogue Current Outputs 12bit, 10RTB 8
URA-0004X 4 Analogue Voltage Outputs 12bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0008X 8 Analogue Voltage Outputs 12bit, 10RTB 8
URA-0016X-8 16 Analogue Voltage Outputs 12bit, 18RTB 16
URA-0004Y 4 Analogue Current Outputs 16bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0008Y 8 Analogue Current Outputs 16bit, 10RTB 8
URA-0004Z 4 Analogue Voltage Outputs 16bit, 10RTB 4
URA-0008Z 8 Analogue Voltage Outputs 16bit, 10RTB 8
URA-0016Z-8 16 Analogue Voltage Outputs 16bit, 18RTB 16


Type Part Number Description


URC-01RS2 RS232,1Ch,RTS/CTS,Full Dplx,10R
URC-02RS2 RS232,2Ch,Full Dplx,10R
URC-01RS48 RS485,1Ch,Half Dplx,10R
URC-02RS48 RS485,2Ch,Half Dplx,10R


Type Part Number Description


URP-PS24V Input 24VDC, Output system Power 5VDC/1Ar
URP-C0V0V 8, 0VDC Potential Distributor
URP-C24V24V 8, 24VDC Potential Distributor
URP-C0V24V 4, 24VDC and 4, 0VDC Potential Distributor
URP-PDIST External Universal Power Distributor
URP-PSHIELD External Universal Shield Distributor

Technical Drawings


i4 Automation Unilogic Software for Unitronics

UniLogic is the newest modern programming software from Unitronics that is included with this product.

This programming software lets you develop your program in a smarter way saving you money on your programming costs.  With the look and feel of a modern day development suite UniLogic makes the programmer feel at home with a familiar style to the menu structure adopted by most of the Windows™ software providers.

You can use UniLogic to program, control, access and download data to and from the PLC remotely and directly.

Get more information about the UniLogic programming software HERE

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